Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Ashley Roth
Professor Cacoilo
Media 387
December 6, 2016

Feminist Video:


This Dolce and Gabbana advertisement shows a sexualized woman being looked at, touched and held down by men. This sends out the message that men can take advantage of women since they are viewed as objects to them.

I created a pro-women/adolescents video to inform and empower every adolescent female, every woman, parents, aunts, sisters, cousins, every woman on the Planet Earth to step up and make a difference against the Corporate Giants and the Media Industry. We have been misinformed purposely by these male driven low lives to achieve an unobtainable physical beauty and to be as slim as the models in various advertisements. I never realized when I was growing up that I was subliminally controlled and influenced through the Media Industry’s depictions of women and adolescent females being objectified and sexualized by watching television commercials, reading magazines, computer websites, videos, subway and bus advertisements as a consumer. I want to send a powerful message to every woman, adolescent, Corporate CEO’s, Advertising Executives, Producers, Directors that the old Hollywood’s image of a beautifulwoman is BULLSHIT.  I hope to encourage and inspire women and adolescents to make a stand against Corporate giants and the Media Industry.  I want the female models to have a voice through us! I want everyone to know how the Media Industry dupes us into believing that ouronly value is thru unrealistic, impossible images of beauty and about the idealbody shape and size. As a young tween and adolescent female, I wanted to purchase specific clothing brands and designer make up because of the numerous advertisements that I was viewing.  I never knew nor did my parents realize how my sister and I were being sabotaged and influenced by the corporate agenda to sell their product.  My parents never realized why I wanted to purchase specific products.  They were brainwashed by the various advertisements that they were also subjected to when they were young people. Now I realize how many negative messages were bombarded at my sister and myself.  I am appalled at the Patriarchal Media Industry whose only mission was to make money for themselves through pimping Corporate products onto unsuspecting women and adolescents thru their advertisements. These Corporate leaders and Advertising Executives use various advertising techniques to lure consumers into their web of deceit.  Now that I have become insightful and educated about the disgraceful tactics that are used by this industry, I am a Feminist with a Mission. I intend to become a vocal advocate against the objectification/sexualizing of adolescent females and women in the Media Industry.  We need to arm ourselves against our enemy.  We need to express our anger in positive ways to put an end to prostituting voiceless adolescent females and women models in the Media-Advertising Industry.  I will suggest some positive ways that some consumers are attempting to stop the demoralizing, degrading messages targeted to adolescents and women through advertisements.  I hope that my video will reach a massive audience and inspire and empower them to join my mission.  It is time to eradicate and exterminate negative messages about adolescents and women in the Media. 
This American Apparel advertisement objectifies a young female. The advertising executives view her as an object and feel that by doing so, they will send more products which is BULLSHIT!

                The goal for the Advertising Industry is to make money, pure greed on their part and they hire advertising executives to subliminally influence children, tweens, teens and women to internalize the negative messages that burrows into their unconscious and conscious mind.  Our American culture is infiltrated by the Media Industry’s negative messages through their bombardment of white, tall, submissive, body parts in advertisements.  It is impossible nor realistic for any human being to be idealized as the true perfection of beauty.  We come in all shapes and sizes and this should be applauded through our own values, self- worth and self- esteem.  It is criminal in our modern society that young children, adolescents and women are being duped every day by various advertisements.  Unfortunately, some might believe that women and young females who pose in such provocative advertisements are as guilty as the Media Industry. I say, “BULLSHIT!”  These models must live up to such high expectations concerning a blemish on their face and must constantly watch their weight by starving themselves or eating very little. These women and adolescent models are not beautiful enough; they are photo shopped to ensure that they achieve the Patriarchal ideal of beauty.  This is a crock of shit!!!   They are being exploited as sexual, objects who are at the mercy of their producers and directors.  Society must make a stand against one standard of beauty.  These models are being used and abused through corporate and advertising Patriarchal men who act as pimps.  Models are being paid to demean themselves as women, as human beings, for their services rendered.  They are victims and we must become their voice.  It is time to stop the media’s focus on the appearance of unobtainable beauty and extreme thinness perpetrated upon every adolescent female and women.  We should not continue to give pleasure through the Male Gaze. Unfortunately, when advertisements depict passivity by women and the dominance of men over them, it has the potential to create emotional and physical abuse against us.  These advertisement messages give twisted men the idea that women are worthless and they can be raped or abused by them.  Adolescent females and women unite in one mission.  The mission is to send the message to the Media Industry that we will not be taken in by objectified advertisements of women’s body parts.  We need to send strong messages to Corporations that we will not purchase the bullshit messages by rewarding their greed of economic wealth through consumerism.    We are women who are tired of the Hollywood Image pushed onto us in the Media Industry.  We know our value and worth and we must unite to obtain the same equality as our male counterparts.  We need to stop the negative messages sent subliminally by the Media Industry.  We need to believe in ourselves, we can form our own values, skills, values, and talents without bullshit messages.  We need to express our feelings, our emotions, develop our own self- worth, develop a healthy self -esteem, eat healthy and become insightful about the negative messages sent by the Media Industry.  Advertisements with adolescent females and women denigrate our sense of value and worth.  It is a challenge and a difficult task to achieve.  One step at a time!  One woman at a time!  We are powerful, we are strong minded modern adolescents and women.

American Apparel objectifies women in their advertisements. Take a stand against the objectification of women! ITS TIME!

                I have given some suggestions for my classmates, adolescents and women can make a stand against the Corporate giants and the Media Industry.  I have found some excellent organizations whose mission is to eradicate racism, and promote gender justice in the Media Industry.  One excellent website is the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media.  This is a researched based organization whose goal is to infiltrate the Media Industry’s leaders by communicating ideas about gender equality in the Media Industry towards adolescents and women.  Another excellent way to make a difference is to join and express yourself thru the #WomenNotObjects organization.  This was created by a woman who is involved in the Advertising end to sell Corporate products to consumers.  The name of the agency is Badger and Winters.  They have made a commitment not to create advertisements that objectify and sexualize adolescents and women in Advertising.  They created a video to make known to the public about advertisements that sexualize and objectify women to purchase products.  An excellent website is Women’s Media Center whose goal is to monitor media for sexism, gender equality and proper representation of women in media.  There are other ways to become involved in the fight against these sexist Patriarchal pigs!  Tweet, share a post on Facebook, create your own hashtag on Twitter. Volunteer! Watch Jean Kilbourne has created excellent documentaries about informing and empowering women.  They are called:  Killing Us Softly: Advertising’s images of women and another documentary Still Killing Us Softly.  Kilbourne is an inspiration to me and she wants to empower women and adolescents to make a difference in their lives and in future generations.  We need to make a difference!  We need to volunteer our time to educate adolescent females and women about the SHAM advertising industries and corporate America is perpetrating on us.  Use the power of the pen and paper.  When you see an advertisement that offends you, write a complaint to the Corporate Headquarters selling the product and the Advertising Agency.  Voice your opinions through the media by writing to newspapers, magazine editors about stopping the objectification, degrading depiction of adolescents and women in the Media Industry. Become educated about the sham that is targeting you and your friends.  Do not buy or subscribe to magazines that do not care about adolescents and women.  The Media will learn that if they do not listen to your viewpoints, you will not buy any product or newspaper, video, magazine or radio stations that degrade women as body parts.  You hold the power to stop The Media.  Consumers Unite!  The Media will learn when they start to lose economic profits for themselves. My sister and I never read Seventeen or Vogue or Glamour teen magazines.  We read an excellent magazine whose name is New Moon.  It is written by young women to empower diversity and excellence in adolescent females.  Another excellent magazine is Teen Voices whose mission is to make a stand against media images of adolescent females and women.  A great book for parents and adolescent females to read is called “So sexy so soon: The New Sexualized Childhood and What Parents can do to Protect their Kids is co-authored by Diane E. Levin PH.D and Jean Kilbourne, Ed.D.  There is a bill called the Healthy Media for Youth Act.  Its goal is to appropriate grants to encourage media literacy and youth programs.  To research on the psychological and physical implications impacting adolescents and women through the media and to provide funding for a National Task Force on Girls and Women in the Media.  Now is the time to write to your Senator, Congressman and urge them to support this bill.  Vote for the candidates who support your ideas.  Vote only for candidates in office that make their promises a reality.  Voting is power!  Use it wisely to make sure that these candidates voted into office will be accountable to women and adolescents for equality in the Advertising Industry and to stop the horrific depictions of women portrayed as passive, man crazy, worthless, valueless in the Media Advertising Industry and promote the same equal rights as men enjoy. UNITE one adolescent/woman at a time.  The rewards will be great and you will be one of many who made a stand now!  We can do it! IT’S TIME.

This Mentos Advertisment sexualizes a woman's body. Although Mentos has nothing to do with a female body, the advertisers still chose to objectify a woman on their advertisement. 


Kellner, Douglas. "Chapter 17." Reading Images Critically: Toward a Postmodern Pedagogy. N.p.: n.p., n.d. 126-32. Print. 
Kilbourne, Jean. Beauty and the Beast of Advertising. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. 
"Media-and-Clothing-Market-Influence-on-Adolescent-Girls-Warnings-for-Parents   //." Media and Clothing Market Influence on Adolescent Girls: Warnings for Parents. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Dec. 2016. <https://foreverfamilies.byu.edu/Pages/parenting/Media-and-Clothing-Market-Influence-on-Adolescent-Girls-Warnings-for-Parents.aspx>. 
Mulvey, Laura. Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema. N.p.: n.p., 1999. Web. 
Pardon Our Interruption. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Dec. 2016. <http://www.apa.org/pi/women/programs/girls/report.aspx>.

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