Saturday, December 10, 2016

Is my body really MINE?

POST 4: The politics of Sex
Falestine Awawdeh 

       My body is no longer "MY BODY" anymore, it has become part of everyone's property and opportunity to question what I do with it, how I use it, and most importantly what body weight I should be in. It's not a day that goes by when I don't hear a female I know talk about their body around me and around others particularly children, which is one of the mistakes we as a community, society and country must be aware of. What we say and our actions affect children so much that were only going to continue policing women's body on to the next generation. It's not enough that we as women have to fight for abortion rights, equal pay and harassment at our work place. But to deal with  it on a level that has become political nation wide that lead us to have a sexist president named Donald Trump is incredibly hard to believe and more hurtful as a woman of a country who portrays themselves as being accepting, equal, fair and the ideal country every other country should follow.
    However our actions, laws and criticism against women say other wise. We was hours away from electing our first female President who was the first elected nominee woman and most qualified to be our next President. But of course society focused more on what she wore during her debates against trump, her attitude, body weight, health, physical appearance, and if her "emotions," because she is a female is capable to be a President and handle serious situations without putting her, "girly emotions," in the way. That was the focus on Hilary Clinton through out most of her campaign trail and when it came to trump it didn't matter if he was a racist, sexist, unfair, causing protest rallies, mocking the disabilities, lying, and more because he wasn't a politician. That was Americas undedicated women who mostly voted for trump and the rest of America believed was their main excuse to why they voted for him. Even when they were confronted about it by journalist they about trump being a sexist, they're response is simply this, "at least his not a politician or a liar."



    However its not only the fact that the trump supporters who stand behind a man like donald trump, but its their reasons for it despite the fact that he has been accused and blamed for sexually harassing females. Plus being caught speaking about women in a locker room full of men in a sexist way even his daughter was part of a sexist joke of his. Which he denied multiple times about doing such a thing, until evidence was leaked to the media. But even that wasn't enough because politicians don't want a female to be powerful, they don't want women to over ride them, they don't want women to make more money as them or equal to them. Its a mans world but it wont be nothing without a woman. These barriers, laws and registration makes absolutely no sense, I do not understand it or comprehend the idea that this country is able to control or try to control our bodies and what we do with it. Their is no outcome to this were just creating a wider spread of a divided country which we fought to regain back as one country during the civil war, when Abraham Lincoln was the President. 

    If we continue to allow this were only going to enforce more of a negative impact on women and young females especially now since social media has never been in such high levels of importance that no matter we go or what happens social media will be their to capture it. Additionally social media is another form of language and communication used not only for artistic things but a way to connect to others. Even the President, politicians, and other figures who represent their countries use social media as a platform for whatever reason it may be. Media can be many things and can create many negative things, but the fact is this without it without this platform we wouldn't be as connected to the world, alert about things that can impact us, things that can start positive rallies, protest and ideas. Media is necessary for a million reasons and more, we can not turn our backs on it or blame it for any negativity that comes with it because its just an app and a system that doesn't tell us humans what to with it. It just gives us a voice like never before and what we put is our responsibility not social media apps. 

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