Sunday, November 13, 2016

Second Proposal

Jimmy Hu
Professor Cacoilo
Proposal Updated
November 13, 2016
Final Project Proposal
To be honest, I have no idea what I will be doing for the Final Project Proposal.  I thought I did but I read the project description and realized that I was failing to jam my idea in this frame.  My idea was too wild and no direction.  My story was not really about the class but was about whatever came to mind.  My final project idea would not have a purpose but would digress on unrelated topics.
Then the election results hit me and I was even more confused until early saturday morning watching Chimanda Adiche talked about the danger of one story.  I had only one story of the election so I do not know how others may be feeling.  In order to hear more people I decided to create a collection of stories that I have heard or I have read.  There will be a little bit of everything I guess.  A little bit of gender and how people show or not show their specific gender.  A little bit of advertising like a story about those working in advertising and those who are exposed.
It is inspired by collection of stories from Vickie Nam and from the Chimanda Adiche video about how one story is incomplete.  Writing multiple stories would help me give direction to my thoughts instead of having multiple ideas in one story which would likely be time consuming.  The theme of the whole collection is the class topics from a male perspective since the stories may focus on those that influenced me personally during this semester.  
I have not given up on the artwork even though I do not have experience drawing anything.  I could tell that one of the story will have stick figures.  I will be using crayons to make the stories childish since I am just learning about these stories in class even though I was probably exposed to these topic in daily life but have not focused on it.  
I would in the end ask people to create their own story and create the story of others considering multiple aspect or influences.  For example, I am not a woman so I would think about the woman’s class, race, and education to see how all of them would blend together.  The setting would be a bar and a man would assume things about this women.  It may be amusing to see that man do not really know a person until they spend time communicating.
Then I would be like hey there are books by women that shows what women go through.  I would ask my audience to read books by women because my collection of stories are just an introduction.  The stories would be provided on tumblr.
I would also take some ideas that my classmates do not want to do anymore since this idea is just a thought.  If I do this idea, each story would be lacking many things since the artwork may not work with the story or the story does not make sense.
I would be doing these stories every tuesday until the presentation.  I would start on November 15 which would allow 3 stories before the semester ends.  Willing to take on some other ideas because I do not really know what to do.


  1. It is a good idea but I think that listing other peoples own perspectives of the election will not cover the main ideas in this course. Try to narrow your ideas to one simple topic that involves the main themes in this class.

  2. I see where you're going with this. However, maybe you should narrow it down a little bit. What type of stories are you going for? What is it strictly focused on?
