Saturday, November 19, 2016

Politics of Sex

 The formal structure of political life. What does that mean? Roxanne Gay told us that 

The policies of women have already stayed the same. The cognitive process of self identity started because of what social pressure puts on women. 

The fear of women taking control.. 
the fear of women having something to say
the fear of women having power.. 
the need belittle women to put into place.
This all bases on the fact that the woman "belongs" to the male, the fact that women are just objects to be played with, thrown around, looked at. 

I don't know where this idea started from or who thought it would be okay to deem it normal, but women are human too. Same as men, we have the same features as male, yet women are depreciated. 

According to The Alienable Rights of Women by Roxanne Gay, when there are obstacles, the government usually targets abortion, child birth, and birth control. Male officials, instead of letting woman take control over what is theirs to begin with, debates and decides what should women do with their own body. To me, I don't understand what gives the right for men to take control over women's body. What is even more absurd is that, there are women who abide by these standards. Unfortunately, some women may follow these because fear of breaking "tradition" or because of religion. All the services given to these women are either to convince these women to remain pregnant. Then when women needs a paid week off, it becomes a problem. According to Among 41 nations,
U.S. is the outlier when it comes to paid parental leave, the U.S. is the only country among 41 nations that does not mandate any paid leave for new parents. Why continue to force those women to be pro-choice when new parents can not be compensated for it..

Unfortunately, I didn't follow much about the election, but seeing the results, I saw the complete fear of women taking control. Donald Trump won against Hillary Clinton, showing the barriers for women, showing the sexism that still exists. On most of the news that I've seen, the most intriguing details of the Hilary's Speeches focuses around her clothes.

Take this picture for an example. What does wearing 0.5 inches heels matter for a debate? Shouldn't you be focusing on what she has to say? Surprise or not, these heels are not the only "fashion statement" that Hillary is rocking. Her smile is another one that receives backlash and also just her look in general. 

The fact that we only treat women and will only talk about women using their looks is something that worries me. I have not noticed this earlier, but every time a women is able to be deemed important starts from a headline news about how beautiful she looks or how perfect their outfit is. According to Kilbourne's The More You Subtract The More You Add: Cutting Girls Down to Size, she states that "The reduction of sexuality to a dirty joke and of people to objects is the real obscenity of the culture." The fact that so many people tell the victims of sexual assaults and rape that it's their own fault for dressing a certain way is something that concerns me. Women standards are obviously depicted by media to destroy women's self-esteem. 

Every woman is given a double standard. "Why are you wearing a hoodie? Are you trying to look like a boy?" or "You have to dress pretty so you can get a boy to like you!" and then there's the other side. "Why are you wearing a flow dress? Do you want people to rape you? Do you want people to stare at you?" or "You always say you don't want people to catcall, then why are you dressing like THAT?" How about no, I want to dress however I want. Those who sexual assault, catcall, and rape should be taught not to do so, and should understand the psychological and physical damage that comes during and after the event. 

Society has a lot more to do to fix the society's perspective of women, to rid of all the ridicule comments on women's body and let it be known that women are people of her own too. Women aren't objects and just like everyone else, women have eyes, nose, lips, hair and everything else. It has become harder to tell children to change our opinions on women when our ... president .. says terrible remarks on women and not to mention, anything that comes to his mind, which basically reverses all the confidence and defense against media and society women has tried to build over the pass years! However, if we keep drilling it into people's minds, and drilling to minds that women are human, not objects enough, people will begin to understand. Stop teaching sex education, teach not to rape rather than be raped, teach respect and dignity not hate, and understand perception on how much women has done before looking at her fashion. 

OR.. don't mind a women's fashion at all and focus on all her successes instead.

Roxanne Gay. Alienable Rights of Women 
Jean Kilbourne. The More You Subtract The More You Add: Cutting Girls Down to Size 
Gay, Roxane. Bad Feminist: Essays. New York: Harper Perennial,
Nelson, Jennifer. Women of Color and the Reproductive Rights Movement

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