Saturday, October 22, 2016

Final Project Proposal

                 I have been watching and obsessed with TedTalks for a while. I love TedTalks, but I know that I can't lecture at a TedTalk in time (though I would want to); so I decided I will make something similar. I browsed through YouTube and I've come across so many science informational videos were all in the form of a fast-forward video, or a cartoon-based video. Surprisingly, I discovered one, and the next played, and after that until a few hours later, I was still stuck in the same loop. So, with all that, I realized why not combine a TedTalk with a stop motion and make it similar to a Ted-Ed talks because what's more influential than a TedTalk? A TedTalk with pretty fancy motions. 
            I will be mainly focusing on TedTalks and creating a "story" in the form of an educational video that has examples from the actual TedTalks (of course, adding credits at the end of every quote said.) I've come across a really inspiring TedTalk about a women who escaped from North Korea and saved her family as well. Media doesn't show how powerful women are, or how we can improv a risky occurring just so they can save who they love. That made me think; First of all, she is a women of color, and second, she had the audacity to get up there and say every detail that happened. This was the complete different visual we see in Media. What we see is a woman, calling for help because she can't find her family in the mall, we see a woman who screams for help when something goes wrong for them.. Then, I came across another talk that's lectured by a Model. Yeah, she talks of the behind the scenes of modeling, but not only does she talk about it, she visualizes it for us in her own skin, not in her modeling picture, but as her real self and she's talking about appearance of the construction of a women depicted by the media. 
             It upsets me. A lot of the older generations, are misogynists. "You're a girl, you can't be a doctor. You're not smart." or "You're only an asian girl, you can't make it in America." I don't say this, nor do I tell anyone, but I am insecure, as probably more than half of the women (and maybe men too) are too, but we can't admit it. I want people to watch this stop motion, and feel comfortable in their own skin, feel comfortable in acknowledging the power of images in perceived successes and failures. 
               I want to distribute it to everyone and everyone who can view it by just opening the web browser, so YouTube sounds like the best platform to publish it on. I am a designer, a web designer, I can't draw, but I can write and show. Maybe, it won't be part of my official portfolio, but it will be in my portfolio with a bookmark labeling it "An Influence" because my goal is to influence and let a legacy live. Let women, children, my children at work, or just the person next to me realize that the media has a bias, and there's nothing to show your inner self, or be yourself. Everyone is different, and that's the psychology part of this project. Maybe if it's educational from the science point of view, maybe, it can pop out more to everyone that watches it. 

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