Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Ashley Roth- Project Proposal

Ashley Roth
Professor Cacoilo
Media 384
October 18, 2016

Final Project Proposal

    For my final project, I will create a website on Weebly that depicts how the CEO’s of the models in the fashion industry’s advertisement’s objectify women and put so many standards on what they consider to be “beautiful.” I am considering to title my project, “Everyone is Beautiful.” My project will represent the issue of women who are anorexic, bulimic, insecure and hate their bodies due to the fashion industry’s advertisements. I intend for this website to be looked at by everyone of all ages, both male and female. I would like the CEO’s of fashion companies to look at my website as well. I will share my website link on twitter and facebook. I will also tell people around the campus about my website, including people I do not know. I want my project to teach women that everyone is beautiful in their own, unique way. I want my website to illustrate that the media does not even consider the models to be “beautiful” since they photoshop their bodies so much.

I will add photos, research articles and interview some women about this issue. I will also add Youtube videos of anorexic women who hate their bodies due to the media. The fashion industry destroys women’s self esteem by photoshopping them to look perfect and not natural. No woman is perfect and when slim models are turned away from modeling jobs because they are “too fat” and “they need to lose weight,” they develop eating disorders and begin to hate themselves. My project will try to figure out why women strive to be like the unnatural, photoshopped models that do not exist in real life.

My project will try to figure out why women strive to be like the unnatural, photoshopped models that do not exist in real life.  In my project, I will mention how plastic surgery rates have increased dramatically in the past years.  The most common procedures among young women and even teenagers is breast augmentation and rhinoplasty.  There are teenagers who even get cosmetic surgery at 16 years old just to look like the models they see in advertisements all around them.  Some women are so desperate to look like these models that they are willing to go through ‘the black market’ with lawless physicians that deform their appearance and natural beauty.

I will also mention the television program, “Toddler’s and Tiara’s” and how they exploit their children at such a young age. There was even one parent on the show who added fake padded breasts and a fake padded butt onto her 5 year old daughter. At such a young age, these children are taught from their parents that they are not beautiful enough and they must conform to America’s standards of beauty. I include the video clip of that specific scene from YouTube on my website.

Once this semester is over,  I will continue to share my website with other people. I will continue to look for current research and update my website with new stories that they would like to share. I will post my website link on Facebook and Twitter once a month so that my message can get across to more individuals.

Some of the articles I have found are as follows:

Images I will be Using on my Website:
Image 1:                                                                     
Image result for plastic surgery oppress women

I have seen this plastic surgery advertisement on the train several times. I chose this image because it shows a woman who is unhappy with her smaller breasts but is content with larger ones by obtaining plastic surgery. I found this image with stickers that someone put on it which say, “ This Oppresses Women.” Women need to stand up for themselves and fight back against the industry, rather than falling into their fake and unachievable display of what beauty is.

Image 2:

Image result for beach body advertisement

This is another advertisement that I saw on the train. It’s message is that you must look a certain way in order to look attractive at the beach. It is another plastic surgery advertisement that promotes insecurity and makes women feel as if they are not good enough the way they naturally are.

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