Monday, September 5, 2016

How Media Impacts My Life -Simona Borkina

            Media encompasses almost every aspect of our lives and it is almost impossible to escape it without losing some connection to others. Global events such as earthquakes, terror attacks, and new inventions are now presented almost instantaneously through different media outlets, allowing people all over the world to be informed. Political events such as Presidential debates incorporate social media such as Twitter and Facebook as well as live streams to engage a younger audience in asking questions.
As a media consumer, I have the power to support other creators as well as voice my opinion regarding their content. I subscribe to various magazines targeted towards my demographic, curate a collection of YouTube channels that appeal to me, and am able to participate in forums. I also engage myself in keeping up to date with current events and pop culture, along with staying in the loop on all forms of social media.

            In addition to consuming media, I also produce my own content using outlets. When I was younger, I made YouTube videos to share my life with my viewers where I focused on beauty application techniques, clothing hauls, tips for organization, and vlogs. Currently I am very active in posting on my social media accounts including Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and Twitter. In posting to the public sphere, I have the ability to shape how I want people to see me by choosing the content that I upload. 
           Media plays a huge role in my life and my identity because when with friends (despite being made fun of for this), I catch myself stopping a conversation in order to take a photo to upload on Snapchat. I always aimlessly scroll through my feeds to catch up with what I have missed that day when I should be doing more important things. Though media has the ability to unite people all around the world, it also can be isolating when it’s taken to an extreme. I feel that I would benefit from being more conscious of living in the moment than through my iPhone screen.

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