Saturday, September 10, 2016

What I think about when I hear "Media"

 by Luna

Media is a helpful outlet; it gives you the ability to be up to date with the latest news however, it's complexity has ruined the ways in which  people choose to communicate and critique others.

For someone who majors in Media, I’m not one hundred percent active on all types of social networks. That alone kind of puts me in an awkward position but I am alright with that. I’ve come to terms with knowing that it's okay if I'm not using Twitter or Instagram.

Don’t get me wrong, these social networks have built and still continue to build a strong foundation in peoples careers, social life and the ability to create your own persona for the world to see.

To me it’s just important to keep personal life personal. Looking back, I wish I didn’t put much mind to what I should post but to just enjoy that very moment. People feel this strong pull to share enormous amount of data online, to the point in which bragging about what they are doing has become sort of a magnetic survival tool.

Media is impressively consuming and I think it has caused people to rely so much on the internet for good and bad purposes.


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