Saturday, September 3, 2016

Media Consumption in My Everyday Life- Ashley Roth

Ashley Roth

Media is an important way for society to communicate ideas to a large amount of people at once. My role as a media consumer is to try to form my own opinions and viewpoints about what is broadcasted in television, radio, what is written in newspapers, books and magazines.  Another role that I have an obligation as a media consumer is to be able to express my ideas about different issues.  The most important role that I have as a media consumer is the ability to support fair and honest journalism, television programs and radio broadcasts.  I am the consumer who can choose what television programs and news that I watch.  I can subscribe or unsubscribe to various magazines and newspapers, if I believe they are trying to influence my ideas and opinions about various issues throughout the world. My role is to be able to express my ideas and opinions in a fair and just manner.  My role as a media consumer is to reject computer websites that write about hatred, ridicule or express racist ideas. Media is all around me and most people use some form of media on a daily basis.  People are so infatuated with their social media accounts in today’s world. I use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram on a daily basis to communicate with my friends, family and peers. These forms of media allow me to interact with others in a fast and convenient way. Social media allows people to be able to read or listen to other ideas from all over the world. It is very easy to like posts, share content and comment on other people’s social media accounts. YouTube is another social media account that I can learn about others and communicate with the world. It fascinates me how there are so many videos I can watch on YouTube, all with varying topics and I can easily update this medium globally. In my free time, I enjoy taking surveys, reading articles and watching videos on Buzz Feed. Buzz Feed is another website that is interesting, fun and makes time pass by quickly.
Television is another media form that I use on a daily basis. I watch the news each night and I am able to learn about different events that occurs throughout the world in a fast and entertaining way. Television is an important form of media and allows ideas and facts to be spread quickly. I like to watch PBS news to find out about current events and find out what is taking place in the world, as well as, about other people’s lives. It is a broadcast station that also provide me with different types of cultural activities, musical concerts and a vast array of different forms of entertainment.
Magazines are another type of media that I use in my daily life. Reading different articles allows me to learn about other points of view in my society.  Magazines touch points on politics, disasters in other parts of the world and I can read about different points of view. I am able to get an idea how different voters view both candidates through various polls.  I can then communicate my points of view with others.  I am given the opportunity to share various viewpoints with my friends, family, college students and Professors.  It gives me an avenue where I can become more rounded and expand my knowledge about many issues.  I am able to learn about new products, opinions, knowledge and promotions through the various magazines published content. I enjoy reading Time  Magazine and People Magazine.

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